"We live so that others may die."

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FastCounter by bCentral


Ovnor - August 27th, 2000: I'm back!

Ovnor - July 3rd, 2000:  Ok a few little updates added Nyles Munchy Warlock (His counter to the un-uber ship we all saw).  Hmmmmm Dregg ship and thats about it.......

Ovnor - May 28th, 2000:  I am so sorry I haven't updated (Doing a lot lately) but I now have a war pf 2283 play test scenario!!!  Yeah!!!! Click here to see it.  I really need some reports on this for point value and stuff..... Oh yeah 1 other thing, I'll be gone for 6 weeks(!!!) in summer so don't expect updates (  :-(   )  but I will have a play pack (It will be in RTF and PDF) for September / October and I have a list of people who will recieve one (though there are a few slots left).  

Ovnor - May 9th, 2000:  K I got a new counter cause the old one had difficulty and I needed to do some stuff with it.  So to the reliable fastcounter we go... 

Ovnor - May 7th, 2000:  I have updated the site to a more graphic intensive site because the old one was to boring.  I would like to hear comments about this.....

Ovnor - April 22nd, 2000:  I've decided to update the projects section individually and not update this site, every time there is an update.

Ovnor - April 21st, 2000:  Added some Dregg ships, Narn Ships and an I-Ixian carrier.  Also added the projects section. 

Ovnor - April 19th, 2000:  Not much to say...  I'm working on this stupid Sharlin Mini.  I had to use a Tinashi to balance the Sharlin while I was gluing on the Neutrons and wings.  Oh yeah I bought a Tinahi for 14$ (Canadian)  and the Sharlin for 5$!!!!!!!  (Canadian at that!!!!).  Seriously that scared me.  I am also working on some Frazi's.  Ok what to report site wise...?  Hmmmm I've started working on the playtest for the War of 2283.... That's about it.  No new ships sorry guys....

Ovnor - April 5th, 2000: OK!!!! I updated already the server was [blanked] up so I think we'll be moving to our good friend crosswinds soon....

Ovnor - April 4th, 2000:  Check da Dregg's section.  We now have more ships.  Oh added AOG's April fools SOTM

Ovnor - March 26th, 2000:  Ok I've had it with my crosswinds Email accout.  It's very messed up so I have switched to good old mail.com.  Any Emails should be resent to me (That includes you terry).  Oh yeah Terry joined our Webteam and is now Editor  YEAH!!!

Ovnor - March 25th, 2000: Under the guidance of Terry A.  I have edited ALL the I-Ixian ships so check up the updates.  Oh my sister Cera says "HI"

Ovnor - March 19th, 2000: Added some I-Ixian ships.  An ELINT vessel and a corvette.  Enjoy!!!!


Contact The Staff:  Ovnor - Webmaster

                             Nyles - Public Relations

                             Terry - Editor



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